19 Things I Wish I Could Tell About Gay Sex

How to enjoy gay relationship and sex?

Gay youth dilemmas and Gay Sex – What would Iadvisee my younger self By: David Artavia If I could turn back time, I’d tell my younger self to chill out for a few years. I was so anxious about throwing myself out there in the world of love and sex that I often neglected well-needed … Read more19 Things I Wish I Could Tell About Gay Sex

What about Male sexual problems?

It is estimated that one in 10 men has a problem related to having sex, such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. Dr John Tomlinson of The Sexual Advice Association explains some of the causes, and where to seek help “Sexual dysfunction in a man is when he’s not able to perform properly,” says Dr Tomlinson. “The main problem … Read moreWhat about Male sexual problems?