What is the history of Gay Porn? Mk 1

If you think of gay porn as the depiction of explicit sexual acts between men, then it seems that every civilisation has been at it throughout history So, let’s explore through the history of gay porn! The Ancient Greeks had a particular flair for it. Still, anywhere that they used words and images, archaeologists seem … Read moreWhat is the history of Gay Porn? Mk 1

Photo – 100 years of romantic love between men

LOVING. A Photographic History of Men in Love portrays romantic love between men in hundreds of moving and tender vernacular photographs taken during the 100-year period between the 1850s and 1950s. This visual narrative of astonishing sensitivity brings to light an until-now-unpublished collection of hundreds of snapshots, portraits, and group photos made in the most … Read morePhoto – 100 years of romantic love between men