Cole @NotAShyBoi – new submissive gay twink

Meet Cole (@NotAShyBoi) – Queer Twitter Superstar – Submissive gay twink

I am pleased to present Cole (@NotAShyBoi) – Queer Twitter Superstar. I came across his Twitter profile some time ago, featuring one of those lucky guys who collaborated with him. I was impressed. If you are into submissive gay boys and twinks or a schoolboy type, you would be too. However, I postponed publishing anything about him. I don’t know why. Maybe I was just jealously guarding him from the rest of you. Whatever it is – now I am about to present him. With 602.8 thousand followers on Twitter, he does not need me to get more. I feel he will be reaching that magic number of one million soon. I am one of them already. You can be, too.

Submissive Fem SchoolBoy

What can I say about him after going through his Twitter Profile Page? His comments accompanying photo and video posts are short but still telling. Cole is a submissive gay boy. I don’t think he is into master/slave fetish and kink. He is just a young, boyish-looking gay boy who is willing to please.

I also like the way he displays his feminine side. Yes, he is a fem gay boy. However, he is still the BOY. I like the way he wears his jewellery. Frankly, the schoolboy is even better suited to his appearance. Do you like small-built gay boys wearing girly clothes? I would love to be able to touch his skin. It is incredibly silky on photos.

Click to view the clip
Click to view the clip

Not A Shy Boy Cole – Collaborating to make gay adult content for OnlyFans – Should gay tops apply?

(@NotAShyBoi) is posting his gay adult content on OnlyFans. I have no doubts that he is popular on that platform as much as he is on Twitter. It seems that he is live-streaming every Sunday.

Is he available to collaborate? I am not sure. However, I might be lucky to interview and ask him. He appears to be working with a couple of other guys. I don’t know how he picks who to collaborate with. I don’t know where he resides, either.

It is time to let you review the Twitter Profile Page for Cole (@NotASAhyBoi) without me bragging and nagging. The link to his Profile is below. Enjoy!