gay erotic story - summer in the creek - tight foreskin

Gay Erotic Summer in the Creek – Tight Foreskin

My first erotic gay summer in the creek – tight foreskin

My first erotic gay summer in the creek brought many surprises to my otherwise boring life in the country. I was thrilled with Tomas’s interest in me. Was it real or just sexual? Was it my foreskin? Did you read the first part of the story? If not, click on the link below and read it before coming back here. Thank you so much. It means a lot to me.

Thomas took my hand and placed it on his cock. It was hard.

“You like it? – he asked

I did not know what to say and stayed silent. He played with my cock while I was standing and shivering, not from cold water but from fear and excitement.

“You are uncut,” he said – “My parents got me circumcised when I was a baby.”
“My parents did not.”
“You are not getting hard? Do you ever get hard yet?
“Yes, I do.”
“You wank often? Do you have any sperm in your little cock?
“I started last year. If I fuck a girl now, I can make her pregnant.”
“You have any blankets or a towel.”
“Let’s go out and lay on the towel. The creek is too small for serious swimming.”

tight foreskin

Thomas took my arm and pulled me out of the water. I was reluctant to get out but did not try to resist. We walked to the tree where my bag was, and I pulled the towel out and spread it on the grass.

“Is it always small and covered with the foreskin” – he asked me as he took my cock in his hand.
“I can pull the foreskin back.”
“I will do that, ” he said, pulling my foreskin back.
“Please slow. It is tight.”
“Lay down and don’t cry like a baby.”
I did as he said and started feeling my cock was getting a bit harder as he pulled my foreskin back, and I moaned quietly.
“You are starting to get hard. Your cock-head is so red. Must be because it is always covered with your skin.”

My cock quickly became hard. He slapped it and lay down on the side next to me.
“Turn towards me. Want to measure cocks” he said firmly
I turned around, and I did not feel scared anymore
“Mine is an inch longer and thicker,” he said proudly.
“Touch it. Don’t be scared.”

The first “real” kiss

I took his cock in my hand. It was such an exciting feeling. Am I dreaming? We played with each other’s cock for a while

“Your cock is getting wet. Did you cum?”
“No, it just gets wet when I touch it for a while.”
“Mine does not. I was reading that the vagina gets wet when excited. You must be a girl.” – he laughed, but there was no sarcasm in it, and I smiled.
“Did you fuck a girl yet, Thomas?
“No” – he said after being silent for a while. “Girls in our class are into older boys…”
“Did you ever kiss a girl? I mean, like in the movies.”
“No,” he said after an even longer silence.

He pulled me close to him, and our lips were very close. He then leaned towards me and started kissing me. At first, it was just kissing, but then his tongue pushed into my mouth, and we kissed like in a movie.

“It was my first time to kiss like this. Yours too?”
“Yes. It is quite easy. Easier than I thought.”

erotic boy’s cuddle in the creek – premature ejaculation

I moved closer, and he started kissing me again with more passion. He held his arms around my waist and touched my buns, and I had my arms around his neck. His arms moved down, and he spread my buns with them. Oh My God…

“I think I am going to cum” – I said with excitement
“Don’t cum so quick!” – he said and pushed me a bit away. It worked, and I did not cum, but my breathing was speedy.
“Sorry Thomas…”
“I think I cum quick, too, but not that quick. Are you OK now?”
“Yes, I am fine.”
“You have not been with other guys yet?
“You think about being with guys or girls when you wank?”

“I thought so. Do you fuck them, or do they fuck you?”
“They fuck me” – I was so relaxed and was not scared to say it!
“Predictable” – he laughed. “I dream about fucking Sophia from our class” …” Do I know anyone you dream about fucking you?”
“Cool. Who is it?”
“You” – I said this very quietly
“No! Really?”

gay erotic story - tight foreskin - summer in the creek

Mood Change

He pushed me away and slapped me. I suddenly started feeling scared again and stayed out and quiet. My cock lost erection, and my head was buzzing – what will I do now? Should I try to run away?… Thomas leaned against the tree and looked lost but not angry.

“Come closer,” he said after a while. His cock was semi-erect now. I moved closer to him but did not touch his body. – “Closer,” he said and pulled me – “Your cock is soft now.”
“I am scared – that is why it is soft.”

He pulled and kissed me again while playing with my cock and balls. My erection was back immediately, but it took me a while to completely relax.
“You never sucked cock before?”
“Suck it now!” – his voice was decisive.

He guided my head, and his cock was in my mouth quickly. We have seen some clips online, so I knew what to do. He pushed it deep into my throat, and I was gasping for the air, and my saliva dripped from my mouth on his balls. He started moaning, pushing in and out faster, and then screamed, and I could feel his cum filling my mouth and going down my throat and dripping out…. He finally stopped pushing and let my head free.

I pulled his cock out of my mouth and started whipping his cum from my face. It was sticky and was smelling like mine. He was still breathing deeply while resting against the tree. I started wanking and cum with a big blow spraying over the top of my head – unreal. We lay down next to each other on my towel in silence for quite some time.

is it my first date in the creek?

“I have to rush back home. It is past lunchtime,” – he said after getting up and dipping into the creek. His cock was soft now but still impressive. I enjoyed watching him. He dressed quickly and leaned towards me

– “I will kill you if you tell about this to anybody! Did you understand?!”
“I will not tell anybody – honest.” – He got up, started walking away, and stopped.
“I shall see you here tomorrow.”
“Sure, Thomas. Have a great day.”

He walked away, and I stayed resting against the tree. His cum was dry now all over my face and hair. My cum was also dry all over my stomach, chest, and hair. I have no words to describe how I was feeling. I was so happy and lazy to move, but after a while, I dipped in the creek, washed and dressed, ready to go home. I was still pinching myself to ensure it was not just a dream.

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