Homoerotic Photos by Dilettante di Fotografia

Homoerotic photography & queer history

I love homoerotic photography! Particularly but not exclusively, homoerotic photography in black and white technique. I have the pleasure of presenting you with an impressive collection of homoerotic photography by @GhostVintage on Twitter.

Taken from the back cover of the 1966 publication of “Sicilian Boys” (original colour removed). Von Gloeden’s favoured model Pietro (around 1890) is posed in a highly erotic fashion which he was particularly successful in performing throughout his modelling career

dilletante di fotografia collection

The Ancient Greek obsession regarding youth & in particular male beauty was based on its intrinsic meaning. Its purpose then possessed an active independent reality, not a nebulous quality that only came into being once it was discerned. Beauty was a psycho-physical parcel.

An early 1890s Von Gloeden

An early 1890s Von Gloeden taken in his garden whilst living in Posillipo, Naples, produced in a large format with a mysterious hazing effect, highlighting the emotional mood intended between an “Eromenos” & his dejected “Erates” (a romantic relationship in the Classical World)

homoerotic photography collection
The cult of the beautiful boy reaches back in time to the sculptures of Ancient Greece when the male body is properly conditioned formed it becomes the outerwear of envy The finest in cultured menswear is the tailored shape of the male physique without clothing

Dilettante di Fotografia has 22.8 thousand followers on Twitter. That makes it the Incoming Star Queer Twitter Performer. I have no doubts that the number of followers would increase rapidly if people become aware of this amazing Queer Twitter account. I will post the link to the Dilettante di Fotografia Twitter Profile Page. Check it out and click that FOLLOW button. It is worth it!

Dilettante di Fotografia Twitter Profile Page – https://twitter.com/GhostsVintage