Gay News Portal Network Magazine

Flirting with Jordan GC – Queer Twitter

He is slim! He is smooth! He is an Aussie – Jordan GC is an Australian Twitter Performer

I was excited to discover another queer twitter account from Australia! His Twitter name is Jordan GC. He is your favourite Aussie twink! Roaming on streets of Brisbane and Gold Coast. And, make no mistakes, he is attractive and worth your attention.

I am sure you have guessed it by now – I don’t know much about Jordan GC. Nothing more than is already available on his profile on Twitter. What am I going to write about him, you might ask. Well, I am not sure myself yet. I will go through some of his posts and try to “read between the lines” to get to know him better. Ultimately, I might get to interview him and share it all with you.

Unfortunately, I am not able to work on this publication full time. For some time, I have been looking at the idea of starting some competition. Nothing major. I gave up on creating anything significant and essential some time ago. Something just for fun would be pleasing. I am allowing you to vote for your favourite queer performer presented on this site. I will get to implement that, but it will need some time. I will make sure that you are the first ones to know it.

With just under 29 thousand followers on Twitter, Jordan is in the Incoming Star Queer Twitter Performer group. He is just a few steps away from moving to the higher-graded group. Go to Twitter and follow him!

Let’s flirt with Jordan GC now!

Jordan, I will send you link to this article with an invitation to have a short interview. I will publish that interview here as the follow up. You will be invited to chose photos and videos and LINKS of your liking to be published.

In any case, I wish you a lot of fun and success with your future performances.

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