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New Queer – Dar_k0night – in 14 photos

Ukrainian guy live and study in Poland, love sports, parties and guys! He is Dar_k0night on Twitter

It is my pleasure to present you Dar_k0night. He is my latest Twitter “discovery”. With 2,641 followers, he genuinely belongs to my “New Queer Twitter Performer” group. I suspect that he will manage to advance from there very quickly.

What made his profile attract my attention? I am, frankly, not sure. There is nothing spectacular in that profile. He is a handsome young guy. You can see hundreds around that are just as attractive and young. Maybe, that is precisely what got my attention. I think that Dar_k0night would be one of those perfect “boy next door” figures. He does not seem to be interested in any queer-type fetish. Neither is he turning his body into a walking billboard… Nothing excessive to see!

No, I don’t have any official statistics to back me up, but I am convinced that the majority of people prefer to meet the “boy next door” type, even in a gay adult production content. I review several gay porn content videos weekly and prefer when actors are more “natural”. We all have different tastes when it comes to looking. However, most of us would agree on the definition of “natural”. I will not elaborate any further. I think you know where am I coming from.

Who is Dar_k0night?

I know it is becoming boring but I have to admit not knowing anything about Dar_k0night that is not already in the public domain. I am just going through his Twitter profile and guessing. It is good fun. Well, it is for me. There are photos from his profile that I would like to share here. I could not find any video clips. Again, I am guessing that reason for that is the fact that he seems to be new to this particular scene. However, I was impressed to see him associated with some great gay content creators and performers.

This is the end of this story folks. I will contact Dar_k0night via Twitter and see if he would be willing to grant me an interview with him. That could be published here with his choice of photos, videos and links.

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