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Who is shafting giant Dutch boy now? Kris Blent

He is blonde, smooth and sexy Dutch boy. Mostly gay bottom boy, but not exclusively so. Kris Blent is the Incoming Star Queer Twitter Performer

When I was younger, I always wanted to be in showbiz. I like entertaining and feeling sexy – I like attention.

Kris Blent is a tall, blonde, smooth and very hot Dutch gay bottom boy. Technically, Kris is a versatile-bottom boy. In all honesty, he would be close to my list of the sexiest gay bottom boys if he is a foot shorter than he really is. However, I am prepared to compromise if that is required to get between his legs.

I was surprised with the fact that Kris Blent has 52.1 thousand Twitter followers only! I am just guessing, but it might be because his previous account was closed. Not only that, but I am not sure. However, I am sure that Kris deserves much more. I will post a link to his Twitter profile page for you to check it out and follow him if you like what he is posting.

Let’s push Kris Blent’s status as an Incoming Queer Twitter Performer to Queer Twitter Influencer! We need 50,000 new followers for that to happen. Let’s do it!

Kris Blent porn profile

Kris Blent was born in December 1993 in the Netherlands, where he also resides. His professional gay porn acting career started in 2015. It seems that he is more active in posting his gay adult content on OnlyFans than working with the professional gay porn studios. Kris is 6’5″ (196 cm) tall and blonde.

My ex-boyfriend always used to call me his little porn-star. When we broke up, I was like – maybe I should be a porn-star?

If I notice someone looking at me, or if I get the feeling that a guy thinks that I’m hot, I’ll play up to it – I’ll get my ass out, or get my bulge front-and-centre.