Gay adult video production review

Will Derek Kage get Grant Ducati Pregnant?

Watch Derek Kage breeds Grant Ducati!

This latest video by TOPFANVIDS is really hot. Including the title for the video. The title is “Derek Kage Breeds Grant Ducati”. In my books, breeding is a level above just having sex, screwing, fucking… Breeding absolutely require mutual desire to expand anal sex to something more than just ejaculating in bottoms anus. I might be wrong… I am probably wrong, but in my opinion number of bottoms that has that desire is higher than number of tops with the same fantasy. What do you think? Please share your desires with the rest of us. Let’s see if my theory is right or wrong.

Two southern boys got together. I have a feeling it was not their first encounter. The age difference is more prominent than usual. Derek Kage is older and is top. Dominant but gentle. At least not rough for sure. Grant Ducati, on the other side, is much younger. He is a sensitive bottom boy with one streak, though. He cherishes feeling his partner’s getting him pregnant.

These two really enjoyed each other through whole duration of the video. Grant is obviously obsessed with tops with uncut cocks. Audience probably know that for some generations of Americans, uncut cock was quite rare. Europeans and Aussies are quite opposite with majority being uncut. Derek, on the other side is obsessed with Grant’s bubbly ass. He is working that ass with a passion.

The theory goes that dominant tops see ejaculating in the bottom’s ass as an act of domination. They mark the bottom with their sperm as dogs mark their territory. Derek belongs to that group of tops. Grant is willing to feel his top filling him with seeds and sometimes dreams of being made pregnant.

Let’s get graphical!

Derek Kage and Grant Ducati in gay porn production
Grant Ducati has very sexy round bubble bum
Quite many bottoms prefer to start on top

The above photos should give you pretty good idea what is this video about. I did like the video but I would have one, say complaint. I don’t think that actors should take photos of each other with their mobile phones. That should not be shown on the video. However, with many Internet platforms promoting gay porn content creators we have most of professional gay adult material actors also posting on these sites.

For people that liked this presentation and want to see the whole video, I have some links

Derek Kage breeds Grant Ducati

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