Gay Links & Gay News Portal Magazine

Meet Queer Twitter Influencer – Aleksandr

Queer Performers on Twitter by Gay Links & Gay News Portal – Gay Twitter Influencer Aleksandr

Welcome to the very first presentation of Queer Twitter performers and content creators! Here is a brief explanation: I was posting numerous presentations of Queer Twitter performers on my previous Internet site for quite some time. However, that site has been lost and could not be recovered. I am in the process of building and editing a couple of new sites. This is one of them.

What is this all about? Social media has revolutionized people’s ability to communicate. It also revolutionized and simplified the process of online entertainment. That applies to all aspects of entertainment including what is often called pornography. I am not 100% sure, but there are many indications that our queer community has been the biggest benefactor of that development. They perform and create content posted on some pay-for Internet sites.

One of the problems associated with these new freedoms is mass production. The number of queer porn performers is enormous. In the past, we had a choice on maybe a couple of dozens of professional gay porn Internet sites. It was relatively easy for them to market their product. Today we have literally thousands of gay performers competing for public attention. Twitter became the place where they are trying to present the product to the public, hoping to grab their slice of that market.

People who work in marketing will tell you that any product can be marketed and find the market. It is true. We all have different tastes, desires and needs. It is hard delivering something with a universal reach. I started looking at queer profiles on Twitter and other social media and came on the idea of presenting some of them to followers of my sites.

Let’s meet Aleksandr

His intro does not really say much about him. I will send him the link to this post and ask him for an interview. If he agrees, I will post it here and share it with you. Let’s start with some photos posted by him on Twitter

Queer Twitter Influencer - Aleksandr @AleksandrFans - nude photo in bath
Queer Twitter Influencer Aleksandr AleksandrFans

I am hoping to be able to interview Aleksandr and share more information about him and his content creations soon. With over 139 thousand followers Aleksandr belongs to the group of performers I classify as Queer Twitter Influencers.

See Aleksandr on Gay Links

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