gay gangbang

New Gay gangbang and orgy with Juninho

Let’s meet Juninho – Latino – Brazilian gay bottom boy that loves gay gangbang and some orgy!

gay porn centre - Juninho - Latino gay bottom boy from Brazil - explicit scene - anal sex - group sex - gay news portal
Juninho in action

Let’s meet Juninho. Who is this secretive, beautiful Latino – Brazilian gay bottom boy? I spotted him recently when reading a gay porn review for “Juninho’s Gangbang”, – a production by Naked Sword. Juninho is my type of gay bottom boy – slim, smooth and 100% bottom. I am not much into gangbangs, but I loved watching him being part of a gangbang. However, I could not find out who is that pretty boy. This is the result of my search. Let’s meet Juninho.

My regular followers here know that I am constantly scanning Twitter for gay content creators who, in my opinion, might be of broader interest. Finding Juninho on Twitter was not hard at all. I will share some of his posts, and I am sure many of you will fall in love with this always-horny Brazilian gay boy. Please feel free to let me know what you think.

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Click to watch this video clip

Juninho is 5’6″ (169cm) tall and weighs 136 lbs. (62kg). I estimate that he is in his early to mid-twenties. His silky smooth skin and slim figure make me horny whenever I look at his photos or video clips.

According to my reliable source of information regarding professional gay porn studios and actors, Juninho joined the scene in 2021. He participated in the production of four videos that year. Two videos were for FuckerMate Studio, and two were for According to that porn database, he has not been active in the professional gay porn scene since 2021. I would love to find out what the reason is for that.

Click to watch this video clip
Click to watch this video clip

Juninho – The Incoming Star Queer Twitter Performer by Gay News Portal Network

Juninho has 91.9 thousand followers on Twitter. That makes him The Incoming Star Queer Twitter Performer by Gay News Portal Network. I think that he deserves much better than that. Please go and click on that “follow” button on his profile page if you agree with me.

Gangbang by Juninho

The video by Naked Sword is an excellent gay porn production presenting Juninho being gangbanged. I was unsure if it was just a one-off scene or if Juninho was into it. After going through his Twitter profile, I am convinced this hot Brazilian gay bottom boy loves gangbang. He seems pleased to take more than one cock at a time.

Hot Brazilian gay bottom boy Juninho

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