queer content creators on twitter

Would you Porn with Bang-Bang in Chicago?

From Queer Adult Entertainment in Chicago, Ilinois to your bed – Queer Twitter Influencer

Would you make porn with Bang-Bang? In Chicago or elsewhere. I would. This bottom gay boy with silky brown smooth skin is so close to perfect in my dreams. I have just “found” him on Twitter and immediately had to post this about him.

You guessed it already – I don’t know Bang-Bang personally. I wish I do. Maybe that is a good thing, though. I would probably not be willing to share him with you if I did know him personally. I don’t think I would even let him out of my bed. However, nothing can stop me from making porn with him in my imagination.

Things I like about Bang-Bang

Honestly, I could not find anything in that profile not to be likeable. However, I liked some of my impressions about him as I was browsing through his profile. My impressions might be completely wrong. However, I have experience in these things. Trust me!

Bang-Bang wants your cock! He seems to be always ready to take cock in one of his holes. I am unsure if keeping your cock in his mouth or if his ass is hotter. I prefer to keep it in his ass as long as possible, but I am not objecting if he takes it in his mouth between sessions. He is a natural porn star.

Bang-Bang is a smoker. I used to be a smoker but stopped it some time ago. However, I don’t mind being in the company of one. Mainly if smoking helps him relax. Or if it makes him wild in the bed. My experience with bottoms who are smokers is excellent. Their body feels so welcoming as you penetrate them deeply. It feels as if it wraps around your cock. You know what I mean.

Bang-Bang wears glasses. I love goofy-looking boys with glasses. What about you? Something is fascinating about guys wearing glasses. When they are young, that makes them look more youthful. However, later on, it usually makes them look or appear older.

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