Gay News Portal Network

New Spicy Gay Content Creator Maverick Sun

Maverick Sun – Spicy gay content creator and New Queer Twitter Performer by Gay News Portal

Maverick Sun is not quite a newbie on the gay porn scene. His career as a professional gay porn actor started in 2022. Since then, Maverick participated in the production of 22 gay porn videos and compilations for various professional gay porn studios and distributors. That is almost one gay porn video per month. That is a sign of his popularity with studios and with the gay porn-consuming public.

Maverick is also an independent gay porn content producer posting on his OnlyFans platform. He has 126 photos and 142 videos available on the OnlyFans account and two thousand followers.

I can only guess why his followers on Twitter is just 86.4 thousand at time of writing this article probably because he joined Twitter in June 2022. With that number of followers, Maverick Sun is Gay News Portal Network’s New Queer Twitter Performer. Pushing over 100 thousand followers would make him the Incoming Queer Twitter Influencer. I am sure you will follow him after checking his Twitter Profile Page.

Who is Maverick Sun?

I could only extract a little information from his Twitter Profile Page. He resides somewhere in Canada. Maverick is a versatile gay guy in his early twenties. Most of his videos for professional gay studios are for I found some reviews and ratings for gay porn videos featuring Maverick Sun. There are many more available on the Internet. Two reviews and ratings that I checked are excellent. One of his videos is rated five out of five stars, and the other was 8.75 out of ten.

Maverick Sun seems to be collaborating with several partners for his production posted on OnlyFans. I need to find out how he finds partners for producing content.